Join Our Team

Interested in joining our team?
Everyone on our team has these three basic characteristics:

Committed: Are you a person who follows through on your short-term and long-term commitments?

Jesus-follower: Is your relationship with Jesus making you more humble and patient, leading you toward a life of service?

Relational: Do you enjoy connecting with children and adults from many backgrounds?

If you fit these characteristics and ache to make a long-term investment in the lives of children and families, check out our current job opportunities and volunteer needs:

All full-time positions are currently filled.

After-School Teacher – ALL SITES [Lexington, White Knoll, Downtown Columbia]
Part-Time: 20+ hours/week View Job Description
We are now accepting applications for each EZE After-School site.

  • VOLUNTEER – Enrichment Teacher, Downtown Lexington
    At least 2 hours/week
    Enrichment teachers provide fun and enriching activities for students including culinary, sports, health, art, etc.
    Apply to volunteer here.
  • VOLUNTEER – Bus Driver, Downtown Lexington
    At least 1.5 hours/week
    Drivers will need to arrive at the center at 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and will be responsible for picking up kids that are on the EZE center bus route lists.
    Apply to volunteer here.
    EZE NextGen is seeking volunteers and facilitators to show up each week and invest in teenagers from hard places.
    Opportunities to serve are:
    Tuesdays – Radius Church – Lexington
    Wednesdays – Radius Church – White Knoll
    Thursdays – Grace Church
    Apply to volunteer here.

Interested in any of these positions? Contact us!