Mentor Events & Resources
Parents and mentors, please check below for relevant trainings and events!
Interested in being a mentor?
If you are interested in being a mentor, please go ahead and sign up for an orientation!
New Mentor Interest Meeting (A virtual Zoom meeting for mentors interested in finding out more information.)
This 40 minute mentor interest meeting via Zoom is a great overview of Ezekiel Ministries. You will learn our mission and vision, as well as hear about our programs and staff. An interested mentor will hear all about why mentoring is important. We cover topics such as Expectations of Mentors, Boundaries, The Screening Process and EZE Mentoring’s Role. At the end of orientation, mentors will be given the opportunity to apply!
Sign up for Mentor Interest Meeting here.
Already an EZE Mentor?
Mentor Workshop (For mentors who are already matched)
All mentors are required to come to one of our Mentor Workshops within the first 3-6 months of being matched. This is an excellent opportunity to engage with other mentors, learn best practices of mentoring in a fun and engaging way, and get to know EZE Mentoring staff. Topics will include Role/Boundaries, Stages of Mentoring, There Is Always A Reason Why and Communication/Safety.
Mentors matches less than 3 years, join us from 8am to 1pm. Mentors matched for more than 3 years, join us from 11am to 1pm.
Saturday, August 3
Sign up for the Mentor Workshop here.
Parent Orientation
This 40 minute parent orientation is a great overview of Ezekiel Ministries. You will learn our mission and vision, as well as hear about our programs and staff. An interested parent will hear all about why mentoring is important. We cover topics such as Expectations of Parents, The Screening Process and EZE Mentoring’s Role. At the end of orientation, parents will be given the opportunity to fill out an application to enroll their child!
We currently do not have any Parent Orientations planned.